Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Another awesome Buddy time

On Wednesday we shared our Duffy Books with our Pukeko buddies and also discussed together what 'Respect' means at our school. Here are some photos of each pair acting out an aspect of what we thought respect could mean. Can you guess what they are?

Year 1 & 2 Football Tournament

On Monday we crossed the road to have our first ever Year 1 & 2 football tournament. It was heaps of fun and we were really puffed by the end. Big thank you to Tony, Racheal & Avan from sportszone who took us and Mitre 10 for providing some prizes. We had a Year 8 buddy for each team too.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Welcome Colin/ Mr SuperElvis

On Friday Colin arrived for Discovery with an old printer for us to take apart. It was a huge hit with several enthusiastic children spending an hour getting stuck in with screw drivers, pliers and elbow grease.He even cleaned up at the end. We LOVED it. Thanks Colin. Anybody else out there who's keen to come in and share the fun on Fridays?